Demonstrated Expertise in Subject Area *
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wendy Stock, MD
Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD
Srdan Verstovsek, MD, PhD
Barbara Pro, MD
Julie Vose, MD, MBA
Jorge Cortes, MD
Susan O'Brien, MD
Irene Ghobrial, MD
Sagar Lonial, MD
Stephan Moll, MD

Wendy Stock, MD

Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD

Srdan Verstovsek, MD, PhD

Barbara Pro, MD

Julie Vose, MD, MBA

Jorge Cortes, MD

Susan O'Brien, MD

Irene Ghobrial, MD

Sagar Lonial, MD

Stephan Moll, MD

Effective in Presenting the Material *
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Wendy Stock, MD
Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD
Srdan Verstovsek, MD, PhD
Barbara Pro, MD
Julie Vose, MD, MBA
Jorge Cortes, MD
Susan O'Brien, MD
Irene Ghobrial, MD
Sagar Lonial, MD
Stephan Moll, MD

Wendy Stock, MD

Guillermo Garcia-Manero, MD

Srdan Verstovsek, MD, PhD

Barbara Pro, MD

Julie Vose, MD, MBA

Jorge Cortes, MD

Susan O'Brien, MD

Irene Ghobrial, MD

Sagar Lonial, MD

Stephan Moll, MD

Please rank the overall quality of this activity *

After participating in this activity, what is the likelihood that your management strategies in this clinical area will change within the next six months? *

As a result of attending this educational activity, please list one or two specific changes in your practice you are committed to making. *

What was a notable strength of this activity, if any? *

What was a notable weakness of this activity, if any? *

What was the most important thing you learned as a result of this activity? *

Was this educational activity fair, balanced, and free of commercial bias? If no, please elaborate. *

This activity… *
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Met the stated educational objectives
Contained content relevant to my practice
Used technology that enhanced the activity learning environment
Increased my confidence in treating my patients
Provided an opportunity to interact with faculty and/or other participants (if applicable)

Met the stated educational objectives

Contained content relevant to my practice

Used technology that enhanced the activity learning environment

Increased my confidence in treating my patients

Provided an opportunity to interact with faculty and/or other participants (if applicable)

What is/are your degree(s)? *

How many years have you been in practice? *

How many physicians are in your practice? *

How many total patients do you see each week? *

How would you describe your clinical practice? *

What is your specialty? *

Are there any specific challenges or barriers to practice associated with hematologic malignancies and disorders for which you would like further education?